April 2024

Senin, 22 Mei 2017
Roh Kudus: Hadirat Tuhan Kisah Para Rasul 2:1-4

Roh Kudus tidak menampakkan diri-Nya pertama kali di hari Pentakosta. Murid Alkitab akan menemukan Roh Kudus disebutkan di awal bahkan saat kisah penciptaan (Kejadian 1:2). Ia pun ditunjukkan melakukan karya Bapa di seluruh isi Perjanjian Lama dan kitab-kitab Injil. Namun demikian, Roh Kudus turun di ruang atas dengan satu misi baru dari sang Bapa. Dalam Perjanjian Lama, Roh Kudus memberi kuasa kepada individu untuk tugas-tugas yang spesifik. Contohnya, hikmat dan keahlian Bezaleel yang...Baca selengkapnya

Monday, May 22, 2017
The Holy Spirit: God’s Presence Acts 2:1-4

The Holy Spirit did not make His first appearance at Pentecost. Students of the Bible will find Him mentioned as early as the creation account (Gen. 1:2). He is also shown to be doing the Father’s work throughout the Old Testament and Gospels. However, the Spirit arrived in the upper room with a fresh mission from the Father. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit empowered individuals for specific tasks. For example, Bezalel’s...Baca selengkapnya